Deferring Courses

From time to time, students find it necessary to postpone the completion of a class or classes during a semester due to personal hardships.  Our deferring courses policy gives students different options depending on the week that the class is in.  The...

Credits and Course Load

Current certification programs require 18 credits of study. Courses are delivered based on a part-time study schedule; full-time options are not currently available. Students who wish to complete their program in three semesters should take an average of six credits a...

Changing Programs

Summit University allows students to request to transfer to another program in the same level (i.e. GSC, LSC and MSC-A or MSC-B) without re-applying to the School of Theology or paying another application fee or other processing fees.  However, there are a few...

Changing Course Status (Credit/Audit)

Change of Course Status Option There may be occasions when an enrolled student wants to change a course status from for-credit to audit status or vice versa. The policy for change of course statuses is explained below. Changing Status from For-Credit to Audit for...

Billing and Payment Options

Summit University’s invoicing system provides credit and audit students with a complete breakdown of tuition and fees. Students are able to register for courses and pay their tuition and fees separately. Invoices will show tuition as separate from fees, such as tech...

Academic Integrity Guidelines

Summit University asks its students to abide by guidelines of academic integrity when completing assigned work. Written work is a significant part of our assessment process. When submitting written work and forum responses, you must use your original words. Copying...