Pastoral Counseling and Care – Credit


Course Number: MINS 2610 
“Feed My Sheep” was Jesus’s instruction to his disciples. Two thousand years later, how to best minister to and counsel the Lord’s flocks is the burning question for every pastor, minister or ministering servant.

The average pastor or minister spends a minimum of six to eight hours each week counseling parishioners and community members, and yet, many pastors find their counseling frustrating or not as gratifying as they would like. They often feel they do not have adequate training or not enough time to devote to this important function.

Studies show that when ministering servants have a counseling framework and an understanding of their counseling boundaries, then much of their dissatisfaction goes away. They are clearer about their goals and expectations and better at meeting the needs of their congregations. And they feel better about themselves and their work.

The MINS 2610 Pastoral Counseling and Care course provides you with the basic training you need to minister to those who you meet in your daily ministry. The training will help you feel comfortable and confident in doing the work that your vocation will ask of you.

The course covers a broad range of topics: counseling as care of the soul, ministering from the heart with compassion, stages and tasks of strategic pastoral counseling, self-care and how to stay balanced as you minister to others, ethical considerations and confidentiality, and other pertinent topics. The course also provides an overview of the specifics of counseling in situations such as grief, marriage, suicide and other situations that ministers face.

Students will be assessed on the following course assignments:

Assignment % of Final Grade
Forums 30%
Assignments 50%
Midterm Paper 10%
Final Paper 10%
TOTAL 100%


Hours per week: Students should plan to set aside 9–10 hours per week to complete their weekly course work. There are 17 units in this course, with Unit 9 designated as a break week. Students are expected to complete one unit per week.

Textbook Information: MINS 2610 Textbook Information Sheet [PDF]

Required for and only available to students enrolled in:

This course is typically offered during SU’s spring semester. Some courses need a minimum number of enrolled students in order to be scheduled. Some also have a maximum number of students who can take the course during a semester.

This information is subject to change without notice.