Spiritual Principles of Government – Audit


Course Number: POLI 1101
The fundamental premise of this course is that the highest purpose of government is to provide maximum opportunity for the spiritual evolution of the individual soul and soul groups within the framework of community, society and nation. To understand how this can be achieved, students will study the universal principles underlying government and their relationships to spiritual laws, including the laws of karma and reincarnation.

POLI 1101 includes a historical survey of forms of government through the ages, including legends of ancient golden ages, an analysis of Plato’s concept of the philosopher king, the divine right of kings, and the emergence of modern theories of democracy. A particular focus will be the founding principles of American government and the extent to which these ideals have been realized in present-day American life.

Students will have the opportunity to apply s similar spiritual analysis to modern political movements. The majority of the course is presented in the form of recorded audio and video lectures. Students will be given a variety of quizzes, forum discussions and written assignments. Students should also be prepared to apply their new knowledge to current real-world scenarios.

Hours per week: Students should plan to set aside 9–10 hours per week to complete their weekly course work. There are 17 units in this course, with Unit 9 designated as a break week. Students are expected to complete one unit per week.

Textbook Information: POLI 1101 Textbook Information Sheet [PDF]

To take this course, you must be a credit or audit student in the Summit University Online, and it must be a required or elective component of your program of study. Interested in applying to Summit University? Visit our Application Process page to apply today!

This course is typically offered during SU’s spring semester. Some courses need a minimum number of enrolled students in order to be scheduled. Some also have a maximum number of students who can take the course during a semester.

This information is subject to change without notice.